SAT/ACT Preparation

Cornerstone Academic’s Classroom Courses have 34 hours of rigorous review of important concepts, solid critical thinking skills, practice diagnostics, and strategies designed to provide students with the tools they need to solve problems effectively and efficiently on the SAT and ACT exams ensuring that they receive the highest scores possible.

Classroom Prep

Individual Prep


Fully Proctored Diagnostic Exams

Students will take full-length practice diagnostics that are timed and treated just like the real exam. These diagnostics help students get comfortable and familiar with the exam so that they are ready to excel on the exam come Test Day.

Intensive Concept & Strategy Sessions

These sessions will cover concepts that are tested on the exam, strategies that are best suited for specific problem types, and overarching test-taking skills to ensure that students understand pacing, guessing, and strategic problem-solving.

Cornerstone Academic SAT/ACT Guide

The Cornerstone Academic test preparation materials for each course cover important concepts, effective test-taking skills, and score-boosting strategies that help each student hone in on their target exam score.

Enroll for an SAT or ACT Preparation Course

Average SAT Score Improvement

SAT Preparation Course

Average ACT Score Improvement

ACT Preparation Course